Starting August 2025 - AmeriCorps College Success Coach - Austin Peay State University
College Possible AmeriCorps

SOA/TRMS Civilian Flight Medic Instructor (CFMI) with Security Clearance
MAG DS Corp dba MAG Aerospace

SOA/TRMS Platform Instructor (PI): Rated Crewmember A/MH-6 with Security Clearance
MAG DS Corp dba MAG Aerospace

SOA/TRMS Platform Instructor (PI): Non-rated Crewmember (A/MH-6) with Security Clearance
MAG DS Corp dba MAG Aerospace

SOA/TRMS Civilian Mission Simulator Instructors (CMSI): A/MH-6M with Security Clearance
MAG DS Corp dba MAG Aerospace

SOA/TRMS Platform Instructor (PI): Rated Crewmember MH-60 with Security Clearance
MAG DS Corp dba MAG Aerospace

SOA/TRMS Platform Instructor (PI): Non-rated Crewmember MH-60 with Security Clearance
MAG DS Corp dba MAG Aerospace

SOA/TRMS Platform Instructor (PI): Non-rated Crewmember MH-47 with Security Clearance
MAG DS Corp dba MAG Aerospace

SOA/TRMS Platform Instructor (PI): Rated Crewmember MH-47 with Security Clearance
MAG DS Corp dba MAG Aerospace

SOA/TRMS Civilian Mission Simulator Instructors (CMSI): MH-47G with Security Clearance
MAG DS Corp dba MAG Aerospace

SOA/TRMS Civilian Mission Simulator Instructors (CMSI): MH-60M with Security Clearance
MAG DS Corp dba MAG Aerospace

Starting August 2025 - AmeriCorps College Success Coach - Austin Peay State University
College Possible AmeriCorps

OBGYN Hospitalist near metro Nashville- Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Vanderbilt University Medical Center

SOA/TRMS Search and Rescue (SAR) Subject Matter Expert (SME) with Security Clearance
MAG DS Corp dba MAG Aerospace